The last few times I've worn my favorite earrings they've flown off whenever I hug someone...or get too animated...or dance around suddenly...and if you know me you know I hug everyone, long past the moment where it becomes uncomfortable for the poor stranger I am smothering, and my gestures tend to span the entirety of any space I dwell...and I am always, unashamedly, breaking out into sudden robotic moves paired with a little move I like to call the 'Running Rabbit'. Not the Running Man. Not the Roger Rabbit. The Running Rabbit. I do a little jig of each and they combine for a mind blowing display of sweetness! At least in my mind.
So you can see that a person of my, shall we say, energy, cannot go around stabbing people in the face with a runaway earring every time I breathe. The last time I removed my illustriously large silver hoops, I paused before placing them back in their bed of foam and felt. I considered tossing them in the tin trash can next to my jewel tower. My heart skipped a tearful beat at the thought of never wearing my prized circles-of-silver again. But they could no longer serve their purpose. They were broken. Worthless, really. Certainly not worth saving.
As I swaddled those precious metal loops in my hand, taking a moment to honor the joy they always gave my ears, I thought about my own purpose. I too was like those broken earrings once. Worthless, and certainly not worth saving. I felt so broken that I assumed God would simple discard me, toss my calling aside, and replace me with a more Godly, virtuous woman who could actually serve her purpose.
But God saved me. He scooped me up, wrapped me in His healing balm of grace, broken dreams and all, and loved me into His own precious gem. I was not only repaired, but restored. He gave me back my dreams. He returned my purpose. He put my weakened spirit back into existence so I could be used again. Only this time I could recognize the image He made me from...His. I was made not only whole, but stronger, more compassionate, more confident in who I am as a woman of God. With my leather bound toolbox, I continue to use every implement God gave to continue His healing over my life. Those scriptures make me feel refreshed, at peace, and once again able to see that I am, despite all the times I still stab people in the heart with my runaway attitude, able to be used by God.
My favorite earrings never made it into the trash. Instead of tossing them aside, I wrapped them in gauze and set out to mend the weakened clasp that could no longer hold the post in place. I got out my tool box and tightened the prongs, so once again, they could serve their purpose. I then took the time to meticulously clean every inch of those silver hoops, making them better than they were when I bought them. And just like me, they are restored. Purposeful. Worth more than rubies. Sparkling with pride simply because they were given a second chance. A chance we are all offered, if only we'll seek God, being confident that He who began a good work in us, will carry it on to completion.
So you can see that a person of my, shall we say, energy, cannot go around stabbing people in the face with a runaway earring every time I breathe. The last time I removed my illustriously large silver hoops, I paused before placing them back in their bed of foam and felt. I considered tossing them in the tin trash can next to my jewel tower. My heart skipped a tearful beat at the thought of never wearing my prized circles-of-silver again. But they could no longer serve their purpose. They were broken. Worthless, really. Certainly not worth saving.
As I swaddled those precious metal loops in my hand, taking a moment to honor the joy they always gave my ears, I thought about my own purpose. I too was like those broken earrings once. Worthless, and certainly not worth saving. I felt so broken that I assumed God would simple discard me, toss my calling aside, and replace me with a more Godly, virtuous woman who could actually serve her purpose.
But God saved me. He scooped me up, wrapped me in His healing balm of grace, broken dreams and all, and loved me into His own precious gem. I was not only repaired, but restored. He gave me back my dreams. He returned my purpose. He put my weakened spirit back into existence so I could be used again. Only this time I could recognize the image He made me from...His. I was made not only whole, but stronger, more compassionate, more confident in who I am as a woman of God. With my leather bound toolbox, I continue to use every implement God gave to continue His healing over my life. Those scriptures make me feel refreshed, at peace, and once again able to see that I am, despite all the times I still stab people in the heart with my runaway attitude, able to be used by God.
My favorite earrings never made it into the trash. Instead of tossing them aside, I wrapped them in gauze and set out to mend the weakened clasp that could no longer hold the post in place. I got out my tool box and tightened the prongs, so once again, they could serve their purpose. I then took the time to meticulously clean every inch of those silver hoops, making them better than they were when I bought them. And just like me, they are restored. Purposeful. Worth more than rubies. Sparkling with pride simply because they were given a second chance. A chance we are all offered, if only we'll seek God, being confident that He who began a good work in us, will carry it on to completion.
Absolutely beautiful, my friend. I feel as though I have seen a glimpse into your gracious heart and got teary-eyed there at the end. You are a precious jewel from the Father - and don't you ever forget it!
Laura I absolutely love this... I to was broken and slowly, but surely have been put back together. No person in this world can break me again because I refuse to let them!!
Such a crystal clear picture of God's grace, Laura. Thanks for sharing this.
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